The Farm

How it all started
Owners Lynn Hendrickson and Bob Martineau, were motorcycle enthusiasts. They enjoyed cruising around the back roads of Maine on their motorcycles, logging hundreds of miles on the weekends. Bob thought that Lynn's motorcycle was a good substitute for her desire to own a horse.
Then one day, a friend invited Lynn to go on a horseback ride. After spending a day in the saddle, Lynn realized just how much she missed having horses and riding.
Selling her motorcycle and getting a horse became a priority, much to the dismay of her husband. That following year, Lynn and Bob, purchased a home surrounded by over grown hay fields in Richmond, Maine.
Soon a barn, paddocks, fencing and a riding ring were being built. Stalls were filling with horses and the smell of fresh hay was in the air. Bob still laments, "We should have kept the motorcycles", however he wouldn't trade his horse for the world.
Do Black Foxes Really Exist?

The Story Behind Black Fox Farm
Black foxes, also known as silver foxes, are relatively common. They have silver tipped hairs along their rump, which stand out well against the remaining black fur. The black fox first appeared after Bob and Lynn mowed their overgrown hay field. The newly mowed field caused thousands of field mice and voles to be uncovered, creating the
best all-you-can eat buffet for a fox.